Covid-19 Updates
Addendum to Operational Polices in response to Minimum Standard Health Protocol Checklist for Open Childcare Centers Concerning Covid19 Pandemic. All of the Policies listed below are NOT in effect at this time, BBPS will reinstate all of the following policies in the case of increased positive Covid-19 cases, locally or within the preschool. All of these policies below will come into effect if there are any State Issued Mandates, rules or direction to continue care provided by the Brazos Health District or Texas Childcare Licensing.
Printable Version of this NoticeAs we adjust to the new norm of living under COVID-19, we have created an addendum the Bright Beginnings Pre School Operational Policies. These Minimum Standards Health Protocols were released and encouraged by Governor Abbott, and are in effect until further notice.
All of these factors mean that while certain precautions against the spread of COVID-19 can and will be applied to schools, daycares and youth camps, the infection control measures that can be put in place in these settings will differ somewhat from those that are suitable for other social, business and commercial settings.
Therefore, every child care provider who is responsible for providing care or education for infants, children and youth in these settings must be aware of these facts and be willing to comply with the infection control measures that will be in place in these settings. Parents or guardians should monitor the health of their child and not send them to the program if they are displaying any symptom of COVID-19.
Parents or guardians should seek COVID-19 testing promptly and report results to the program given the implications for other children, families, and staff. Individuals aged 65 or older are at a higher risk of COVID-19, parents or guardians should protect any vulnerable persons who are members of the same household or come into frequent, close contact with infants, children and youth who attend daycare.
As always, our goal at BBPS is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for each and every child and staff member. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences that may result from our new Covid19 Pandemic policies, but we are committed to minimizing the risk for all those within our school family.
During these unprecedented and uncertain times, we are able to offer no guarantees and we advise each of you to assess your family’s needs before making any decisions regarding attendance over the next several months, and possibly longer.
If you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call and I would be happy to discuss your concerns.
Covid-19 Parent Drop off and Pick Up Procedures
Encouraged Drive Though Car Port Drop Off Option:
Children will need to be taken out of their car seat by their parent and the Assistant Director (or other designated staff) will come and check the child’s temperature with touchless thermometer. We will make a visual assessment of the child to make sure that we do not see any signs or symptoms of illness. The child will then be escorted into the facility. They will wash their hands immediately upon arrival or helped to wash their hands if they cannot do it for themselves.
Alternate in person DROP OFF OPTION:
If you would like to come in the facility and drop your child off personally, you will need to park in the parking lot and wear a mask to enter the building, you will need to stop by staff assigned for drop off, so they can check your child’s temp on the way in. Adults are required to wear a mask, not the child, please do not bring siblings or guests in to drop off. We want to afford you the opportunity to get to know your child’s teacher, and the feel of the classroom, but will be requiring a mask for adults dropping off and requesting short drop off to limit exposure to the school. This will also allow for a parent to come in and speak with their child’s Lead Teacher if there is a question or concern, that may occasionally arise.
Just as always children MUST be dropped off before 9:00AM (Always a BBPS Policy) we will close drop off at 9:00AM. When you come to pick up your child you may stay in your car and get to the front door of the facility and then get out of your vehicle to receive your child or come to the door to pick your child up. If you are picking up before 3:00PM you may need to give us a call or ring the doorbell to let us know you are here, if we don’t see your car right away, we will go and get your child and bring them to the door. We are only allowing one family out the door at a time. PLEASE hold your child’s hand in the parking lot, pick up can be hectic and having physical hold of them is the safest thing.
Parents in the Facility:
Parents may only enter the building if they are masked for a quick morning drop off between 7-9 AM
Staff Procedures:
All staff will continue to be screened daily including having temperatures taken and observed for signs and symptoms of cough and shortness of breath.
Hand Washing:
All children and staff will wash their hands immediately upon entry into the facility before being permitted to engage in daily routines. Children that cannot wash their own hand will be assisted. We will continue to wash hands at every opportunity possible.
Administering Medication:
We will not administer over the counter fever reducing medication during this time, we will only consider dispensing (with parent approval) it if we are certain that a child is teething, or a doctor is prescribing an over the counter medication.
Nebulizer Treatments- We will not administer Nebulizer Treatments for the time being. If your child is asthmatic, you may provide us an inhaler and a spacer to administer the inhaler as needed.
Keep Your Child Home if they are Sick:
We ask that parents please proceed with extra caution regarding illness. If your child is displaying even slight symptoms of any illness, please be considerate to all and keep your child home. Children and staff will be sent home if they display any of the following symptoms:
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Chills
- Repeated shaking with chills
- Muscle pain
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Loss of taste or smell
- Diarrhea
- Feeling feverish or temperature greater than or equal to 100.04° Fahrenheit
- Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19
Individuals may not attend BBPS under the following circumstances:
- If your child, or a staff member has had contact with someone with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, someone who is under investigation for COVID-19 or someone who is ill with a respiratory illness.
- If you or your family or a staff member has traveled internationally within the last 14 days to countries with ongoing community transmission. For updated information on affected countries visit:
- Employees or children with the new or worsening signs or symptoms listed above may not attend school until:
In the case of confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, the **individual may return to work or school when all three of the following criteria are met:
- at least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery
(resolution of fever w/o the use of fever- reducing medications) - the individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)
- least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to school until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above.
If the individual has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to school before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis.
If a student becomes sick (with COVID 19 symptoms and/or vomiting) while present at school, parents must arrange for pickup of the child within a timely manner not to exceed 30 minutes after being notified. Children who display any of the symptoms of COVID-19 will be isolated in the visual presence of a staff member until they can go home. In order to return to school, the above criteria must be met.
For confirmed cases of COVID-19, we will notify both the Health Department and our Texas Childcare Licensing Body and we will proceed per their instructions.
Staff or children with known close contact to a person who is confirmed to have COVID-19 may NOT return to school until the end of the 14-day self-quarantine period from the last date of exposure.
Absence from school due to illness will not affect tuition due. Please see our parent handbook for absence policy and your copy of the signed financial agreement. If there is a “Shelter in Place Order” an assessment will be made of what tuition for BBPS to remain financially solvent, to remain open, or to be able to reopen, and save your child’s space.
Cleaning and Sanitizing:
We have always been committed to following strict sanitizing procedures and during this time we have enhanced the process which may result in fewer items being made available to children as they are constantly being sanitized and rotated. We will also place more emphasis on cleaning frequently used items and touch spots such as door knobs, light switches and chairs.
We will continue to encourage children to wash their hands frequently and appropriately for the recommended twenty seconds with soap and water. All individuals entering the building will wash their hands after coming in from outside, using the restroom, physical contact between children, before and after serving meals, and as often as possible in between.
Items from home:
Only the following items may be brought from home:
- Extra clothes in sealed large plastic Ziploc bags (if you think your child needs multiple changes, please send complete sets in individual bags (top, bottom, undergarment and socks). All items should be individually labeled and the bags should be labeled
- Small blanket and pillow case will be sent home for washing on Fridays and brought back on Mondays
- Sleeves of Diapers as needed
- Show and Tell and Library Books will be on hiatus until further notice
- No Toys, Lovies, Unfinished Breakfast or drinks
Social Distancing:
It has been recommended that all present within a school setting should follow social distancing guidelines for 6 feet distance between individuals. While we will try our very best to encourage children to maintain distance, it is unnatural, impractical and almost impossible to believe that children will be able to stay 6 feet away from each other or their teacher at all times. Socializing together and interactive play is a part of healthy development. We will implement what social distancing we can to the best of our ability.
These COVID-19 policies are effective immediately. We retain the right to modify and/or change these policies based on Local, State or National Mandates, CDC and/or Texas Licensing Guidelines or if we believe it is in the interest of our school family. We will do our best to notify you in a timely manner whenever possible of any changes.
Special Events:
Events & Group Activities are strongly discouraged, and will follow the guidance of the Governor’s Minimum Standard Health Protocols checklist for childcare centers, concerning special events that we normally plan along with any type of group gatherings.